Artifact [cda1099aca]
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Artifact cda1099aca1097fd597d5daaa9a4505fecf3f9e9:

Wiki page [BosalDownloads] by andrewm 2019-10-31 14:04:07.
D 2019-10-31T21:04:07.031
L BosalDownloads
P 4d971b2a6153db0f7b88f7b374506c78bc559cb6
U andrewm
W 1380
<h2> Bosal Downloads </h2>

The current version of bosal is 1.2.2.

<h3> Executables </h3>

Bosal executables are available for two major platforms.
These executables are, in Tcl terms, <em>starpacks</em>.
They are single file executables with no external dependencies.

  *  [/doc/trunk/bosal/code/starpack/x86_64-linux-tcl8.6/bosal | Linux x86_64]
  *  [/doc/trunk/bosal/code/starpack/win32-x86_64/bosal.exe | Windows 64 bit]
  *  [/doc/trunk/bosal/code/starpack/macosx10.5-x86_64/bosal | MacOSX]

<h3> Installation </h3>

Installation of bosal means downloading the file and placing it in
a directory that is in the path of the command shell you will use
to invoke micca.

To uninstall, simply delete the executable.

<h3> Header File </h3>

Included with the executables is the header file needed to compile
bosal generated code.
By invoking bosal with the appropriate command line option,
a copy of the header file will be placed in the current directory:

    $ bosal -header

will create the file:

  *  bosal.h

in the current directory.
This technique insures that the header file is compatible with the current
version of bosal and you should extract a new header file when you update
your version of bosal.

This file should be placed so that its is available to compile and link a
bosal test harness.

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